Breaking cyclical dependency on government assistance, one critically at-risk student at a time for more than thirty years.
Our Academics
Maranathan Academy adheres to the curriculum set forth by the Alabama State Department of Education relative to the completion of studies for grades 6 -12. Maranathan Academy students enjoy a diverse set of academic offerings in Technology (computers), Foreign Languages, Communications, Finance, and much more.
Emphasis is placed on the development of Writing, Speech and Critical Thinking Skills. Maranathan Academy closely follows the standards set forth through the Alabama College and Career Ready Initiative (Alabama Common Core Standards).
Maranathan Academy is registered with the College Board, enjoys Level 1 Certification with Us Military, NCAA Clearinghouse Status, and is accredited by the Better Business Bureau.
Our students go on to attend college --Miles College, Talladega College, Alabama State University, and many more;
enlist in the military-- Army, Navy, Marines; or become certified in a trade—HVAC, Plumbing, Auto Me- chanics, Cosmetology, etc.

Maranathan Academy uses a four point scale for grades, as illustrated below:
.4.0 =A, 3.7 = A-, 3.3 = B+, 3.0 = B, 2.7 = B-, 2.3 = C+, 2.0 = C, 1.7 = C-, 1.3 = D+,1.0 = D, F = 0.
Progress reports are issued each month. The following grading system is employed:
90-100 = A
80- 89 = B
70-79 = C
65- 69 = D
<65 = F)
The school year is divided into four quamesters. Each quamester the Maranathan Academy will determine a list of students for placement on the honor rolls. The A HONOR ROLL will include all students with quamester grades of 90 or above. The AB HONOR ROLL will include all students with quamester grades of averaging 85 or above. The B HONOR ROLL will include all students with quamester grades averaging 80 or above, with no more than one C being earned. A progress report is given each month, to monitor academic standing in classes. A report card is posted online at the end of each quarter. The final report card is posted the week following the end of school.
Students must uphold the honor code, and all policies of the Maranathan Academy. Students with continuous repeat or multiple offenses, may not be allowed to participate in the commencement exercise.
Community Service
All candidates for graduation must have served at least 100 verified hours of community service in order to receive graduation candidate status.